We believe that financial planning entails an examination of
all aspects of your personal circumstances and wealth management.

We believe that financial planning entails an examination of all aspects of your personal circumstances and wealth management.

We believe that financial planning entails an examination of all aspects of your personal circumstances and wealth management. Our financial planning process, therefore, takes a holistic view of your financial well-being, as opposed to a disjointed approach that risks dealing with issues independently, and ignoring the interrelated consequences of decisions made in isolation. The objective of our process is to produce a financial plan based upon clearly defined financial goals

We take an all-inclusive approach to financial planning, and a financial plan contains an appraisal of Your current financial position. What you would like your future financial situation to look like. A recommended strategy with the steps required in order to achieve these goals with a high degree of probability.

This provides a framework for decision-making by developing: an appropriate investment strategy, A risk management plan, and a succession plan. We refer to these as the pillars of our holistic financial planning process.


We believe that financial planning entails an examination of all aspects of your personal circumstances and wealth management. Our financial planning process, therefore, takes a holistic view of your financial well-being, as opposed to a disjointed approach that risks dealing with issues independently, and ignoring the interrelated consequences of decisions made in isolation. The objective of our process is to produce a financial plan based upon clearly defined financial goals

We take an all-inclusive approach to financial planning, and a financial plan contains an appraisal of Your current financial position. What you would like your future financial situation to look like. A recommended strategy with the steps required in order to achieve these goals with a high degree of probability.

This provides a framework for decision-making by developing: an appropriate investment strategy, A risk management plan, and a succession plan. We refer to these as the pillars of our holistic financial planning process.


We believe that financial planning entails an examination of all aspects of your personal circumstances and wealth management. Our financial planning process, therefore, takes a holistic view of your financial well-being, as opposed to a disjointed approach that risks dealing with issues independently, and ignoring the interrelated consequences of decisions made in isolation. The objective of our process is to produce a financial plan based upon clearly defined financial goals

We take an all-inclusive approach to financial planning, and a financial plan contains an appraisal of your current financial position. What you would like your future financial situation to look like. A recommended strategy with the steps required in order to achieve these goals with a high degree of probability.

This provides a framework for decision-making by developing an appropriate investment strategy, a risk management plan and a succession plan. We refer to these as the pillars of our holistic financial planning process.


We believe that financial planning entails an examination of all aspects of your personal circumstances and wealth management. Our financial planning process, therefore, takes a holistic view of your financial well-being, as opposed to a disjointed approach that risks dealing with issues independently, and ignoring the interrelated consequences of decisions made in isolation. The objective of our process is to produce a financial plan based upon clearly defined financial goals

We take an all-inclusive approach to financial planning, and a financial plan contains an appraisal of your current financial position. What you would like your future financial situation to look like. A recommended strategy with the steps required in order to achieve these goals with a high degree of probability.

This provides a framework for decision-making by developing an appropriate investment strategy, a risk management plan and a succession plan. We refer to these as the pillars of our holistic financial planning process.




Personal Planning

Succession Planning

Business Planning

Business Structuring

Life Cover

Dread Disease Cover

Disability Cover

Retirement Planning

Medical Aid

Short Term Insurance

Estate Planning

Last Will And Testament

Trust Setup*

Buy & Sell Structures

Surety Protection

Key Person Cover

Trust Audits*

Deferred Compensation

Preffered Compensation

Group Benefits*

Business Trust*


Close Corporations*

Inter Vivos Trust*

Personal Planning

Succession Planning

Business Planning

Business Structuring

Life Cover

Dread Disease Cover

Disability Cover

Retirement Planning

Medical Aid

Short Term Insurance

Estate Planning

Last Will And Testament

Trust Audits*

Trust Setup*

Buy & Sell Structures

Surety Protection

Key Person Cover

Deferred Compensation

Preffered Compensation

Group Benefits*

Business Trust*


Close Corporations*

Inter Vivos Trust*

Personal Planning

Life Cover

Dread Disease Cover

Disability Cover

Retirement Planning

Medical Aid

Short Term Insurance

Succession Planning

Estate Planning

Last Will And Testament

Trust Audits*

Trust Setuo*

Business Planning

Buy & Sell Structures

Surety Protection

Key Person Cover

Deferred Compeensation

Preffered Compeensation

Group Benefits*

Business Structuring

Business Trust*


Close Corporations*

Inter Vivos Trust*


Contact Details

Tel: 014 592 2569

Email: info@fkc.co.za  


@ Office Building
@ Office no 11
East Block Ground Floor
67 Brink Street
Rustenburg, 0299


Postnet Suite 4834
Private Bag X82323
Rustenburg, 0300


Contact Details

Tel:  014 592 2569
Email:  info@fkc.co.za 


 @ Office Building
@ Office no 11
East Block Ground Floor
67 Brink Street
Rustenburg, 0299


Postnet Suite 4834
Private Bag X82323
Rustenburg, 0300


Contact Details

Tel: 014 592 2569

Email: info@fkc.co.za 


@ Office Building
@ Office no 11
East Block Ground Floor
67 Brink Street
Rustenburg, 0299


Postnet Suite 4834
Private Bag X82323
Rustenburg, 0300


FKC Wealth IS AN AUTHORIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES PROVIDER – FSB NO 29615. FKC Wealth (Pty) Ltd : 2015/324537/07